August 30 – September 2, 2023
The 1st MATRIZ Official Conference “The International TRIZ Conference - 2023”


The 1st International Conference “The International TRIZ Conference - 2023” will be held in Graz, Austria, on August 31 - September 2, 2023 with a pre-conference tutorials day on August 30, 2023. The event is organized by the International TRIZ Official Association - (MATRIZ Official), Graz University of Technology, and Higher College for Engineering Wolfsberg.

We invite everybody who is engaged in TRIZ research and development, who uses TRIZ, as well as those who are interested in TRIZ and desire to meet TRIZ professionals and learn more about TRIZ.

As usual, the conference participants will have a chance to present their papers at the conference podium. Those who are willing to make a presentation should first submit an abstract of future paper. Once the abstract is accepted, the author and his co-authors if any will be invited to submit a full paper. The papers will be evaluated and the authors will be notified on the results of the review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.


On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to submit one or two papers as the first author (co-authorship is not limited) on the following topics:

  • Research and development of TRIZ theories and methods.
  • Development of TRIZ tools for practical applications.
  • Applications of TRIZ in science, engineering, business, and social environments.
  • Innovation process with TRIZ.
  • TRIZ-based pedagogy, education and training.
  • Case studies with TRIZ.
  • Integration of TRIZ with other process, design, and innovation management

We also invite papers on systematic creativity, methods for automated inventing, and innovation management in the dialog with TRIZ or any other topic related to TRIZ.

The conference papers should present new, not published yet results and insights within one of the following directions:

  • Research: Accomplished research results of an empirical or theoretical nature or work-in-progress where authors desire and are willing to contribute extra feedback.
  • Development of Methods and Tools: Presentation of new methods and tools or novel contributions to the improvement of existing TRIZ methods and tools for practical use.
  • Case Studies: Cases of successful application of TRIZ and TRIZ-related methods and tools with proven results.
  • Best Practices: Demonstrations of significant successful business practices, applications, and insights.


The official language of the conference is English. All abstracts and papers must be submitted in English. Submissions in all other languages will not be considered.


  • The deadline for submitting abstracts: March 01, 2023
  • Notification of abstracts acceptance: March 23, 2023
  • The deadline for submitting full papers: June 15, 2023
  • Notification of full papers acceptance: July 10, 2023
  • The deadline for submitting final papers: August 1, 2023


To express your intention to submit a full paper and make presentation, first you have to submit an abstract of your future paper. Your abstract will be evaluated and you will be informed regarding an invitation to submit a fill paper for presentation. Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Each abstract submitted must include the following:

  • Paper Title.
  • Names of authors and co-authors, their current affiliation.
  • Abstract text (no more than 1 page of A4 format, free layout).
  • Name and e-mail address of a communicating author or a co-author.

Only two submissions per the first author are permitted. There is no limit on co-authoring or co-presenting.


Once your abstract is accepted and you are notified about acceptance, you should submit a paper which should be at least four pages long and not exceed twelve pages matching the official conference paper layout. Each paper submitted must include the following:

  • Paper Title.
  • Names of authors and co-authors, their current affiliation.
  • Main text.
  • List of references.
  • E-mail address of a communicating author or a co-author.

All files should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the respective deadline date. Each paper should be downloaded in both .doc and .pdf formats.

The papers will be published in a conference proceedings volume published by the Technical University of Graz, including ISSN and ISBN numbers.


Your paper must follow the paper layout developed for the conference. A paper submitted with a layout different from the official conference layout will be rejected.

The files with the paper layout can be downloaded here.


All abstracts and papers will be evaluated for acceptance to the conference. All papers will be double-blind reviewed, independently of papers topics. The Papers Review Committee will be composed of the experts with strong academic and practical experience of developing and using TRIZ and Systematic Innovation.

Only those papers will be included in the conference proceedings whose author(s) would timely pay the conference registration fee.


  • Mr. Valeri Souchkov, TRIZ Master, MATRIZ Official Board Member
  • Dr. Oliver Mayer, TRIZ Master, MATRIZ Official Board Member.
  • Dr. Stefan Vorbach, Graz University of Technology, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs & Head of Institute of General Management and Organization.


To be announced soon.


More information regarding the conference is available at this page